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Time to Know about IT - IT study

Small Introduction To IT 

I will share my experience only through this Blog and cover all major topics that are used in IT or Information Technology.
You all know about this term IT. Every day we use so many things around us and nowadays this is an essential part of our life.
We use in my daily life like computer, Internet and store data that is useful for future. These things come under Digital Technology. So, what is Digital Technology?
In simple words, the use of computers and the internet to store the data and process the data into useful information. 
The whole course refers to IT support.
IT supporters support an organization's technological equipment that runs smoothly.  In any organization, the job of its support is to do the managing, install, maintain, troubleshoot, configure, and compute equipment.

Terms that need a quick overview

The term 'Cryptography' is heard in IT. It is the art of writing the codes against the original text and solving the codes to retrieve the original text. During the world war, cryptography was used to process secret messages from enemies.

The vacuum tube 

It is an electron tube that controls the electricity, voltage, and all sorts of electronics equipment like TV, Radios, but these vacuum tubes were bulky and broke all the time.
The transistors perform the same function that vacuum tubes do. but these are more compact and more efficient. You can easily use billions of transistors in a single chip.

The compiler 

It is a type of translator that translates human language via a programming language into machine code.

Character Encoding (Some Overview)

UTF-8 (Unicode Transformation Format) allows us to store a character in more than one byte which means we use endless emoji fun.
In the computer area, we use three characters for the RGB model.
Each character represents a shape of the color and that then changes the color of the pixel you can see on your screen. Each color represents 0 to 255 values having 8 bits this means one frame of the color model or RGB has 24 bits.

How To Calculate Bits In Image

Suppose an image is 4032 * 3024 pixels and we know that one pixel has three colors RGB.

Each color has 8 bits 
so, three colors have 8*3 = 24 bits.                                                          
therefore, 1 pixel = 24 bits
here image size is 4032 *3024 = 12,192,768 pixels
total bits = 12,192,768 * 24 = 292,626,432 bits.
292 million, 6 lakhs, twenty six thousand, 4 hundred, and thirty two bits.

Binary Number

Its base is two. It has two bits one and zero. any one digit is called a bit. In binary form, one indicates ON and zero indicates OFF.
1 Byte = 8 bits
1 Nibble = 4 bits
1 KB = 1024 B
1 MB = 1024 KB
1 GB = 1024 MB
1 TB = 1024 GB

Decimal Number

Its base is ten. It has 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

Convert the decimal number into a binary number

Decimal value  = 37 we have to convert in binary number
for that we divide 37 by binary base value 2 and keep its remainder on each step. Let's see how?

Here, the Binary number of 37 is 100101. The first bit is called Most Significant Bit (MS..B.) and the Last bit is called Least Significant Bit (L.S.B.).

Convert Binary to Decimal number

Here we convert the binary number 100101 into a decimal number
for that, we follow the step from L.S.B and multiple by 2 to the power N, where N is 0, 1, 2, 3, towards M.S.B. like this.
(100101)base2 = 1*2^5 + 0*2^4 + 0*2^3 + 1*2^2 + 0*2^1 +1*2^0
                          = 37 base 10

Addition In Binary

0 + 0 = 0
0 + 1 = 1
1 + 0 = 1
1 + 1 = 10  Here one is carry

For Example: - (110011) base 2 + (100101) base 2 = (1011000) base 2

Subtraction In Binary
1 - 1 = 0
0 - 0 = 0
1 - 0 = 1

For Example:- Subtract (1001) base2 from (111101) base 2
= (110100) base 2

How To Move Bit(1 and 0) in Electrical Wire

The below explanation will help us to understand the movement of bits in electrical wire.
Actually, there is no one and zero. It indicates the presence of voltage if the voltage is passed through the wire then we can say that one is passed. In the same way, if there is no voltage present in the wire, we say that zero is passed. we explained below the working of OR gate, AND gate, and NOT gate. 

Boolean  Algebra

The algebra-based on the binary nature of  Logic (Either True or False) is called Boolean Algebra.

In Boolean Algebra

a. The addition sign (+)
    Y = A + B,     Y equals A or B.
b. The Multiplication sign (dot)
    Y = A dot B,    Y equals A dot B.
c. The bar sign (-)
    Y = bar A,    Y equals NOT A.




Electric Circuit Of OR gate

Truth Table Of OR gate


















1. If  A = 0, B = 0
In the above circuit, A & B are earthed then we can say that junction diodes D1 and D2 are reverse biased and the potential at point C will be zero. Hence Y = 0
2. If  A = 0, B = 1
In the above circuit, A is the earthed, and B is connected to the positive terminal i.e. 5v then D1 is reverse biased while D2 will be forward biased then we get potential at point C, Hence Y = 1.
3. If  A = 1, B = 0 
In this case, A is connected to the positive terminal i.e. 5v, and B is earthed then D1 is forward biased and D2 is reverse biased. In this way, we get potential at point C. Hence Y = 1.
4. If A = 1, B = 1
A & B are connected to the positive terminal i.e. 5v then D1 & D2 will be forward biased. We get potential at point C. Hence Y = 1.

Electric Circuit Of AND gate 

Truth Table of AND gate


















1.  A = 0, B = 0
A & B be earthed then D1 & D2 will be forward biased and the potential difference at point C will be zero then Y = 0
2.  A = 0, B = 1
A is earthed and B is connected to 5 volts then D1 will be forward biased while D2 is reverse biased. Hence potential difference at C will be zero then Y = 0.
3.  A = 1, B = 0
A is connected to a positive terminal i.e. 5v while B is earthed then D1 will be reverse biased while D2 will be forward biased. Hence potential difference at C will be zero then Y = 0.
4.  A = 1, B = 1
A & B are connected to 5 volts therefore D1 & D2 will be reverse biased then the potential at C will be 5 volts. Hence Y = 1.

Electric Circuit of NOT gate

Truth Table Of NOT gate









1. A = 0
A is earthed then the Only collector-base circuit is effective. It is reverse biased then the collector current is zero and we get 5v at point C. Hence we get 5 volts through Rc in output.
2. A = 1 
It is connected to a positive terminal i.e. 5v and the base-emitter circuit is effective, We get maximum emitter current & collector current then the potential at point C is equal to zero. Therefore we get 0  in output.


One additional logic gate is the EXOR gate which is widely used in IT.
It is the combination of NOT, AND, and OR gates.
NOT + AND + OR = EXOR Gate
Y = A ⊕ B

Truth Table Of EXOR gate

















 Computer Architecture Layer

1. User Layer:- These interact with computers. The user is the most important part of IT.

2. Software Layer:- It helps to interact with computers. for example- web browsers, mobile apps, etc.

3. Operating System:- Hardware communicates with each other with the help of the operating system.

4. Hardware Layer:- It is the physical parts of the computer. For example- laptop, mobile, mouse, phone, keyboard, etc.


Printer setup
All are physical components hardware.
Ports:- Connection points through which we can connect devices to extend the functionality of the computers
CPU:- Central Processing Unit. It is the brain of computers. CPU does all data processing and calculation.
RAM:- Random Access Memory. It is volatile in nature. RAM is the primary storage memory.
Hard drive:- It stored the data like music, video, picture, documents, etc. It is secondary storage memory.
Motherboard:- It connects all the pieces of computers together.
Power Supply:- It provides power to the computer.


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