POWERSHELL, How To Use Powershell? We can operate the computer by two methods first command-line interface and a Graphical User Interface . Here I shall discuss CLI . In Command-Line Interface CLI, there are two methods we can use to interact with computers. Command Prompt Powershell In this article, We will know about Powershell. What is Powershell? Powershell is open-source software that runs on all three operating systems (Windows, Linux, Mac OS). It is used to automate the management system. It is developed in 2006 for admin. Powershell provides the facility for scripting. It is an advanced form of CMD. Powershell is the combined form of CMD , .NET , and C# . Windows follows the path to show something like: c:\users\desktop\myfile.txt So, windows use this type of path to jump into other directory or folder. In windows, we use backslashes (\ ) but in Linux, we use forward slashes ( / ) C:\ is called the root directory of C . A:\ is called the root directory of A . In the sam...
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